Profile Meeting 6/10
What design and development workflows could xAPI Profiles support?
10 June 2020, 3:00pm Eastern
Meeting Minutes
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Host: Aaron Silvers
Community Manager/Secretary: Eva Rendle
Producer: Megan Bowe
Please join us for a discussion on the topic, “What design and development workflows could xAPI Profiles support?”
Avron Baar
Marcus Birtwhistle
Megan Bowe
Rob Chadwich
Tom Creighton
Kristi Eager
Tobi Echevarria
Baltasar Fernandez
Mark Grant
Viktor Haag
Andy Johnson
Chris Krepich
Eleni Mangini
Jono Poltrack
Eva Rendle
Aaron Silvers
Allyssa Thompson
Florian Tolk
Meeting Minutes
Revisiting the TAG xAPI Profile Objective:
Why are we having these talks? An xAPI server is in development.
Objective is through regular, open discussions, participants will help identify enabling and/or disabling policies and practices, as well as technical considerations, in leveraging xAPI Profiles (from one or a network of xAPI Profile Servers).
•Exit Criteria:
TAGxAPI will submit an IEEE LTSC technical report for publication, documenting learnings from this series of discussions in Q3 2020 based on these conversations
The group so far has discussed the following topics:
What profiles are
Current state of what’s out there
Challenges of xAPIs and business perspective
What the spec does, what’s in the spec vs what it doesn’t do
Today’s discussion is: “What design and development workflows could xAPI Profiles support?”
Focusing on two specific workflows (microlearning and elearning), around content authoring workflows
xAPI Profiles can support content authoring by enabling a constrained set of choices available to developers and content authors to more likely do the best practices.
Depending on the type of content authoring, this can manifest in a few ways.
Design is limited depending on tools provided and mastery of tools
Advancing the tools can be a focus
H5P - out of the EU - java script components for learning
Interactives that are fully programmable
Each ”content type” in H5P is developed as a standalone activity
The activity is hard-coded to generate xAPI statements
These could be governed by an xAPI Profile for H5P.
These could be authored to generate the proper statement after associating concepts with the H5P activities.
What would this gain?
Abstracts the xAPI statement generation from the component, allowing for scalable maintenance with less re-work.
Would allow for custom mappings for domain-specific/context-specific data generation for domain/context-specific activities
Elearning Content Authoring Approaches
Authoring tools with customization can support data that could be represented
Typically, each project in an eLearning authoring tool is considered a single piece of content.
Most eLearning authoring tools obfuscate any access to modify the xAPI features.
Some eLearning authoring tools allow for customizing xAPI statements.
Let’s look at the authoring tool that currently provides the most flexibility in how you make xAPI statements: DominKnow One
Demonstrated the DominKnow One User Interface
Interface that shows what tools in the market can already do
You can click on certain fields, etc
Determining Properties
Could translate features that benefit authors
Kristi Eager question: How does DominKnow handle things in Flow?
A: was just showing user interface of DominKnow for an example
Q: could activity IDs be written into Profiles?
A: yes, there are use cases related to validating activities with technical citations, knowledge -management use cases where governance or compliance may need to be regulated.
References & Source Material
Today’s slides:!Av4nfZFOBTgagU34tq8bcd6AKm_-
Getting started with xAPI and DominKnow