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Profile Meeting 4/22

IEEE xAPI Profile TAG Meeting Minutes 

4/22/20, 3pm Eastern

Meeting Topic: What xAPI Profiles are “out there”, and how might one catalog, organize and/or distinguish them?


  • Host: Aaron Silvers

  • Community Manager/Secretary: Eva Rendle

  • Producer: Megan Bowe

In Attendance

  • Aaron Silvers

  • Fridolin Wild

  • Eleni Mangina

  • Tom creighton

  • Jonathan Poltrack

  • Helena Smith

  • Florian Tolk

  • Avron Barr

  • Marcus Birtwhistle

  • Megan Bowe

  • Eva Rendle

  • Devlin Peck

  • Andy Johnson

  • Kristen Safdie

  • Jeffrey Beaubien

  • Jason Pessemier

  • Kevin Owens

  • Rob Chadwick

  • Kristi Eager

Florian: How is profile defined? JSON-LD or generally describing how a statement should be formed

Aaron: The bigger picture is where we’re focusing. 

Fridolin: We are in the process of working out a new xAPI profile for AR in the EU project 'ARETE', what is the current recommended practice of expressing our profile? I see that on github they are all quite different...?

Aaron: The JSON-LD covers specific parts which are easy to automate. The more nuanced implementation requires a combination of technology and design guidance.

One of the goals is writing instructions that folks can follow and following them ourselves - 

Chat comment from Helena Smith: need standards of instruction across the board

Question to be answered:

Who owns the profile and for whom is it written?

Even just ADL examples have many different authors

  • Examining CMI5 Profile - none of the profiles have links to documentation…

  • Looking over SCORM profile documentation - has use cases for scorm profile, examples of IRIs and IRIs that do not work, provides format for an actor, and how an actor might be part of a group, table for verb information

If not a CMI5 interaction, might want to use a different word than “responded”

Chat comment from Kristen Safdie: “I think it's just the wording of "some interaction" that is vague. My assumption is that it's a response to a text entry stored there. The actor responded to the object with the context (whatever their response is)”

Examining the Video Profile - Scorm profile is pretty complex, looking for an easier example

Video has a small set of verbs.  Extensions might help define how much time from, time to, progress, time elapsed into video. There are also properties in the video profile - like did subtitles get used

More showcasing of how hard the documentation is to find…

  • Kaltura’s documentation has “Events” for their xAPI.  More implementation focused and light troubleshooting.

  • Profiles have been developed using moodle by an author named Sebastian

  • Open Learning’s profile - simplified statement guidelines, mostly vocab. Specific json samples included. Not super explicit about what the data will look like, no full statement examples

Profiles - who, what, where, when, why how? 

What are characteristics of profiles you have seen which should be promoted in the future?

  • Safdie: Use of good/bad examples. When to use a verb and when to not use a verb, etc. 

  • Fridolin: Organize profile - look into gitbook approach for humans, branch off profile into the json-ld file to define profile data requirements (no quite his words, but what he was talking towards)

  • Aaron: Define who the documentation is being written for. Helps with organization and communication strategy

  • How do you know if your profile is good? How can that be evaluated? 

    • AR profile has very specific industrial training area with 3 pilots PBIS (monitoring school children’s attitude) 

    • Language development for school children

  • This use case provides good questions

    • Existing profile or concepts that describe AR experiences?

      • Video is relevant

      • Should be several others (verbs from activity streams)

    • Have you identified verbs, etc that activity is accounted for

      • What ideas need to go where (organize information), what to be shared, what is unique, who audience is

  • Question about JSON and JSON LD and RDF documents - JSON LD is more straightforward and automatically create RDF docs

Chat comment from Eleni Mangina: “Re-usability is also a target for our project - so if a profile worked great for our project we want to share the documentation for re-usability and adaption from other projects

Chat comment from Kristen Safdie: “A way to identify where verbs are already used in profiles would be very helpful. My use case is thinking about a cross between eBooks and existing SCORM profiles and being able to quickly pull up what verbs are re-used between each (and may overlap) would help make sure that a new profile isn't stepping on too many existing verbs.”

Next Meeting: May 6th, 3pm Eastern

Meeting Topic:  

What Challenges Can Be Addressed with xAPI Profiles?

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United States: +1 (312) 757-3121, Access Code: 665-670-021

References & Source Material used for 4/22/20 Meeting

  1. Today’s slides: https://1drv.ms/p/s!Av4nfZFOBTgagT1zCv4g3PBcv5Na

  2. ADL has a repository on GitHub with a curated set of xAPI Profiles. It’s the one location most often promoted to look for xAPI Profiles: https://github.com/adlnet/xapi-authored-profiles

  3. Medbiquitous has a repository on GitHub with both a Virtual Patient and a Scenario xAPI Profile. https://github.com/medbiq/medbiq/tree/master/xapi

  4. JISC has an xAPI Profile for the UK’s national learning analytics initiative: https://github.com/jiscdev/xapi

  5. OpenLearning shares the actions taken by statements, letting developers for the platform know what is triggered by anticipated xAPI statements:https://help.openlearning.com/t/63ax49/xapi-list-of-statements-verbs-and-objects

  6. Sébastien Fraysse has authored a number of learning technology efforts focused on french-speaking communities of practice. He’s organized templates and concepts in-kind:  http://doc.xapi.fr/profiles/xapi/readme

Note: the (lack of) technical difference between “Tin Can” and xAPI (at least to 1.0)

The PEBL project led by Eduworks has strong documentation for its xAPI support:,

xAPI Educational resources: 

xAPI projects: