xAPI Webinar Series

Moving right along, the IEEE LTSC TAGxAPI is happy to announce that we'll be hosting a new webinar series featuring xAPI case studies!


The Case Study Webinar Series will begin in February 2018.   

Currently, we are targeting the week of February 19th. A detailed schedule of webinars will be published soon. We are actively seeking presenters from across the xAPI community.

To sign up, fill out the form at:



Webinar Format

Each webinar will focus on a single case study submitted by the community.  The audience will include IEEE TAGxAPI members along with learning technology developers, designers and decision-makers.

Webinars will:

  1. Be limited a total of 30 minutes in duration

  2. Include a 15 minute overview of the case study

  3. Allow for 15 minutes of Q&A

  4. Use the Zoom teleconferencing application (hosted by TAG Chair)


Webinar 15-minute presentations should include:

  1. A high level description of the case study (slides or live demo)

  2. The “killer” features enabled by xAPI in this case study

  3. Lessons learned during development


Webinars should not:

  1. Include a marketing pitch for a specific product, tool, or vendor

  2. Release proprietary or otherwise restricted or sensitive data

Please note that your webinar will be recorded and posted on the tagxapi.org website.  Please do not include any materials in your presentation where publication is prohibited.


Review & Questions

Webinars should be coordinated and reviewed through TAGxAPI. For any questions, contact TAGxAPI vice-chair, Jono Poltrack (jonopoltrack@gmail.com) or reply to this thread on the TAGxAPI forum. We're looking forward to getting the series started. As always, thank you for your commitment to the work of TAGxAPI.

Shelly Blake-Plock