10 Oct 2017

After roll call, we made two announcements: 1) following LTSC's example, we would not be recording meetings any further for purposes of publication and 2) the minutes recorded would stand as the official record and therefore we'd begin meetings with a vote to approve the minutes of the prior call.

Each subcommittee gave an update. Rico Rodriguez in the Technology Summary group shared their survey on Products. Jessie Chuang from the Implementations subcommittee asked to share their survey. All members are encouraged to take the surveys themselves and to share with peers and on social media.

Next up, we review some style guidelines. Regarding page length, we're going for 3 to 6 pages per subcommittee with the understanding that some topics may require more detail than others. We'd like the final report to be in the neighborhood of 50 pages. If it looks like we've got an overwhelming amount of content, it may warrant splitting up the single report into separate reports. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

The subcommittee formerly known as "Standardization" is now known as "Profiles". This better reflects the work being done there. We've moved "standardization" as a topic to the Governance subcommittee.

Next, we confirmed the names of the members of the Editorial Team who will be organizing our curated content on the website. We still need a team lead there and we need to work out how the publishing schedule will work.

All subcommittees were reminded that sub-topic Draft Outlines were to be due to subcommittee leads on Oct 16. Subcommittee leads should submit subcommittee Draft Outlines to the chair on Oct 19. The chair will organize these into a public presentation to be made available online Oct 24 in advance of DevLearn.

TAG xAPI members attending DevLearn should be in touch with the chair. We'll provide pdfs regarding the TAG's work that you may share in digital or print format. 

For the next ten weeks, our weekly calls will be dedicated to subcommittees sharing their work. The Governance subcommittee will go first on Oct 17. From there, the schedule is:

Oct 17: Governance and Sustainment

Oct 24: Privacy and Security

Oct 31: Cross-Standard Compatibility

Nov 7: Profiles

Nov 14: Certification

Nov 21: Business / Industry

Nov 28: Technical

Dec 5: Implementations

Dec 12: Prior Research

Dec 19: Technology Summary

Each subcommittee should expect to present for a half-hour. Slides are not necessary, but you are welcome to share your screen if you like. The purpose is to provide information about your topic and to inspire conversation which may be helpful to you in your work while also educating the whole group.

Next call is Oct 17.


We're on target,


Shelly Blake-Plock



Shelly Blake-Plock